Super on the road, but thought I'd use some downtime to at least put a new post up, albeit hastily. Hope ya'll are thriving and not dying. 

As always, check out my various interview projects and other cool shit. And if you'd like to keep abreast of the latest, most pressing developments follow us wherever I may roam (FALSE!) (TwitterFacebookInstagramSpotify and now also a tape-per-day series on TIK TOK!), and listen to my, I guess, active (?) podcast (YouTubeSpotifyApple), and to check out our amazing compilation albumsYou can support my unholy work here (Patreon), if you feel like it. Early access to our bigger projects, weekly exclusive recommendations and playlists, and that wonderful feeling that you're encouraging a life-consuming habit.


1. Kraanerg – "Heart of a Cherry Pit Sun," from Heart of a Cherry Pit Sun (Avant-Garde Metal – Independent). An interesting coming together of weird-ass people to make a beautiful and very much weird-ass thing. The Houston-based prog/avant-garde Kraanerg joined up with D. L. of Kostnatění and other fine folk (including some soundscape work from Markov Soroka) to produce what feels like Kayo Dot falling into an acid pit haunted by failed parents. Very windy, proggy, flashy but heart-felt and very pretty. FFO: Kayo Dot, Dysrhythmia.

2. Gatecreeper – "A Chilling Aura," from Dark Superstition (Death Metal – Nuclear Blast). It's a weird thing with Gatecreeper. It feels like sometimes they're the band that stopped trying, and at others that they are the band that tries too much. Which makes one approach new Gatecreeper albums with a healthy dose of caution. But I still always do check them out, since there's always something of value. This track is a case in point. Does it starkly depart from their sound? No, but it's fucking awesome, and it does what it does – a harsher take on melodic death metal – very, very well. Love it. FFO: Lividus, Mist of Twilight.

3. Oranssi Pazuzu – "Muumtautuja" (Experimental Black Metal – Nuclear Blast). First, let us say thanks to the cosmos that Oranssi Pazuzu ever existed and continues to exist. Secondly, this new single from an upcoming and hitherto unnamed new album is basically the direction the Finnish wizards were going, a journey that will probably end in them becoming Kraftwerk and dissipating into the ether. And in that way it isn't a surprise – more soundscapes, more abstraction. What is quite surprising and pretty amazing is how they sound. They sound like a 90s indie band or noise rock band playing black metal with 90s electronic flourishes. It makes me tingle all over and very excited for the new album. FFO: Oranssi Pazuzu.

4. Arx Atrata – "I Was A Witness to His Passing," from A Reckoning (Atmospheric Black Metal – Independent). It wouldn't be hyperbole (I think) to say that Arx Atrata are one of the best melodic atmospheric black metal bands around, and have been for quite some time. Was extremely happy to see they're coming with a new album, the first full-length since their excellent The Path Untravelled. Beautiful, moving melodies hovering over a muted sea of fuzzy riffs. What could be better? FFO: Enisum, Unreqvited.

5. Hoth – "Cryptic Nightmares," from Oathbreaker (Melodic Black Metal – Epicurus). I'm probably super late to the Hoth train, this despite the fact it's in my top 5 of fictional planets. But be that as it may, their new release proved to be a very easy addition to my day-to-day listening. Black metal in that somewhat 90s way mixed with an almost melodeath feel, which, you might argue, could argue in being a tacky nightmare but ends up being a very enjoyable, very pleasant listen. Cool suff. FFO: Earth is no. 1 on that list, btw.

6. Forlorn – "Untitled I," from Forlorn (Dungeon Synth – Independent). A new synth project from Jon Rosenthal of "may projects" fame (Boreal, Starless Domain, et al), that manages to do the impossible, at least to me, which is to make dungeon synth that feels like it was made by a human in pain as opposed to a mythical cretin bemoaning the passing of autumn or some silly shit like that. One does not encounter so-called "cold" or "inhuman" music that feels this, well, warm and human. And as much as I love this as a stand-alone thing, just thinking about these tracks intermixed with some aggressive, riffy tracks makes me want to leap with joy and buy candy. FFO: Buying candy.

7. Mind Prisoner – "3​:​33," from 3​:​33 (Black Metal – Vita Detestabilis). I first encountered the magic that is Portland's Mind Prisoner a few years back, when I wrote about their excellent self-titled EP/Demo. Now they're back with the wonderful Vita Detestabilis to rain some more of their wonderful black/death whatever it is on all our weary, earthbound heads. On the one hand great for people  who are into grand, almost atmospheric black metal and for people who listen to Cult of Luna while sipping on herbal tea. Kicks ass, is what I'm saying. FFO: Woe, HAR.

8. Obscene – "The Reaper's Blessing," from Agony & Wounds (Death Metal – Nameless Grave Records). Another band I've been following for quite some time now, and another band that is a blessing on this cursed earth. I'll make this short and very (bitter) sweet: If you love death metal then you need to buy this album and probably everything they've ever made, if you haven't already. Consistently one of the best at it around right now. Easy. FFO: Witch Vomit, Entombed.

9. Alloxylon – "In the Solitude of the Dusk I Mourn," from Broken Cemetery Urn (Ambient Black Metal/Ambient – Independent). Man, I don't even know what this is, I just know if feels RIGHT. Ominous ambient/synth peppered with some heavier moments that feels like it glides like butter into my soul, and this despite it being – I guess – a series of live recordings. Dynamic, fascinating music that does almost nothing and achieves a whole lot of everything. FFO: Staring at war.


ONE: The Flenser released a new Low tribute album.

TWO: New Respire coming.

THREE: New Saidan.

FOUR: Have spent the last few days in Chicago, getting to hang with MA BUDDY Alex from Forlesen and meeting some good people along the way (Tarek of Intercourse, Jon Rosenthal, and Andrew Rothmund). Hopefully more of that lovely stuff to come once I hit Prepare the Ground. I'm not sure the ground is prepared for me.

FIVE: I don't know who Spent Case are, yet I suspect they like THE RIFF.

ONE LAST THING, PROMISE: Was fortunate to pitch in to a great Brooklyn Vegan piece about bands to watch, joining some pretty bad-ass company. I guess that means I'm bad ass now.